VideoControlNet: A Motion-Guided Video-to-Video Translation Framework by Using Diffusion Model with ControlNet

Zhihao Hu1, Dong Xu2,
1Beihang University, 2The University of Hong Kong (HKU)


Recently, diffusion models like StableDiffusion have achieved impressive image generation results. However, the generation process of such diffusion models is uncontrollable, which makes it hard to generate videos with continuous and consistent content. In this work, by using the diffusion model with ControlNet, we proposed a new motion-guided video-to-video translation framework called VideoControlNet to generate various videos based on the given prompts and the condition from the input video. Inspired by the video codecs that use motion information for reducing temporal redundancy, our framework uses motion information to prevent the regeneration of the redundant areas for content consistency. Specifically, we generate the first frame (i.e., the I-frame) by using the diffusion model with ControlNet. Then we generate other key frames (i.e., the P-frame) based on the previous I/P-frame by using our newly proposed motion-guided P-frame generation (MgPG) method, in which the P-frames are generated based on the motion information and the occlusion areas are inpainted by using the diffusion model. Finally, the rest frames (i.e., the B-frame) are generated by using our motion-guided B-frame interpolation (MgBI) module. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed VideoControlNet inherits the generation capability of the pre-trained large diffusion model and extends the image diffusion model to the video diffusion model by using motion information. More results are provided at our project page.

Style Transfer

Foreground Video Editing

Background Video Editing

Ours VS Gen2


        title={VideoControlNet: A Motion-Guided Video-to-Video Translation Framework by Using Diffusion Model with ControlNet},
        author={Hu, Zhihao and Xu, Dong},
        journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.14073},